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A Shaw ID is an easy to remember single login which consists of a preferred email address and password, for accessing Shaw Direct products and services like My Shaw Direct and BlueCurve TV. In this article learn how to create Shaw ID, retrieve your password, and link other Shaw Direct and Shaw Cable accounts.

How to create a Shaw ID

Follow the steps below to create a Shaw Id to manage your Shaw Direct service:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Register now.
  3. Enter your email.
    • You can use any email address for Shaw ID.
    • It doesn't have to be a address.
  4. Select a password.
    • Minimum 8 characters, a number, an uppercase, and a lowercase character.
  5. Click Create your Shaw ID.
  6. Fill out your account information.
    • Account Number
    • Postal Code
  7. Click Create your Shaw ID.
  8. You will receive an email to activate your Shaw ID.
  9. Open your email from and click Activate Now. The link will be valid for 48 hours.
  10. Your Shaw ID is now active. Click Continue to My Shaw.

How to link Shaw ID accounts

Both Primary and Secondary Shaw IDs will have access to manage various settings using My Shaw Direct. Once you are signed in, click My Profile and you will see different options under Manage Your Shaw IDs.

You can link both Shaw Direct and Cable accounts under one Shaw ID.

Change Shaw IDChange your Shaw ID email address
Change passwordChange the password associated with this Shaw ID
Set up Two-Step VerificationReceive an email or text message when signing in
Change recovery emailUpdate the email that forgotten passwords will be sent to
Change nameChange the username associated with the Shaw ID
Unlink Shaw IDRemove an account number from Shaw ID

If multiple accounts are tied to a Shaw ID, you can specify a default account. The default account is what you will first see when you log in.

Resetting Your Shaw ID Password

To enhance security you can not re-use your previous passwords.

Follow the steps below to reset your Shaw ID password for Shaw Direct:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Password under "Forgot your Shaw ID or password?"
  3. Enter the Recovery Email Address associated with the Shaw ID.
    • The recovery email can be different from the Shaw ID itself.
  4. Complete the "I’m not a robot" captcha.
    • Click on Reset password.
    • You will get a confirmation message.
    • Check for an email from Shaw Direct and click Reset Now.
    • Enter a new password.
    • Click Reset password.
    • Your password is now reset! You can return to and login, or you can click Continue to My Shaw Direct.

    How to recover your Shaw ID

    Shaw Direct customers can recover their Shaw ID by following these steps:

    1. Go to
    2. Click Shaw ID under "Forgot your Shaw ID or password?"
    3. Enter the Recovery Email Address associated with the Shaw ID.
      • The recovery email can be different from the Shaw ID itself
    4. Complete the "I’m not a robot" captcha.
    5. Click Retrieve Shaw ID.
    6. You will get a confirmation message.
    7. Check for an email from Shaw Direct with the correct Shaw ID.
    8. You can now use it to sign in to your account.
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