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Automatic payments allow you to pay your Shaw Direct bill on time by setting up automatic withdrawals from your credit card or even from your bank account.

There are many benefits to enrolling in automatic payments, including the peace of mind of knowing that your bill will be paid automatically, on time every month and with no risk of late payment charges! Plus, beginning in September 2024, eligible Shaw Direct plans will include a $8/month Automatic Payments Discount.

If you set up Automatic Payments with your Rogers Credit Card, you can maximize your value. As a Shaw Direct customer, you get 3% cash back value when you redeem with Rogers. Set up now.

Don't have a Rogers Credit Card? Apply now to enjoy the benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Automatic Payments Discount work?

When you set up automatic payments on an eligible plan, you’ll receive a monthly discount of $8 on your bill. To set up automatic payments, Click Here

What is an eligible account?

Most Shaw Direct plans are eligible for the Automatic Payments Discount.

All Limited TV subscriptions and existing 2-year value plan subscriptions (activated prior to September 1, 2024) are excluded from the Automatic Payments Discount scheme. To take advantage of this discount, you’ll need to change your plan to one that’s eligible.

Accounts must be in good standing.

I signed up for automatic payments. Why am I still not getting the discount?

The monthly discount is only available on eligible Shaw Direct plans. In order to receive this discount, you’ll need to change your plan to one that’s eligible to benefit from this discount.

I am signed up on an eligible plan. Why am I still not getting the discount?

Please make sure that you’re also enrolled in automatic payments. This can be done by logging into your My Shaw Direct account, or by chatting in with us at The discount is only added when you are enrolled in automatic bill payments and on an eligible Shaw Direct plan. Your Shaw Direct account must in good standing and have no owing amount at the time of enrolling into automatic payments.

I am already signed up for Automatic payments. Will I get the discount?

The Automatic Payments Discount is only available on eligible Shaw Direct plans. If you are on an eligible plan, you will get the discount beginning in September, 2024. If not and you want to take advantage of this discount, you’ll need to change your plan to one that’s eligible. If you wish to keep your current plan, you can continue to enjoy the other benefits of automatic payments which include the peace of mind of knowing that your bill is paid on time every time and no more late payment charges.

What if I remove my automatic payment method later? Will I still be eligible for the discount?

The discount will be added to your account only when you have enrolled for automatic payments. If the method of payment is changed then the discount will be removed.

I've signed into My Shaw Direct but do not see the option to set up pre-authorized payments?

This may be because of an outstanding balance that needs to be cleared on your account first.

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